Online Entry: The entry form, digital image and payment of entry fee must be submitted to Show Submit. NRAS suggests that you go to in advance to set up an account, if you don’t already have one, and familiarize yourself with the entry process. It is really quite easy. You may enter ONE piece of work, the entry fee is $20. Acceptable media include: oil, acrylics, watercolor, drawing, pastel, graphics, mixed media, photography, computer generated art, and sculpture.
Eligibility: Open to all current North River Arts members. Entries will be checked with current members list and nonmember entries will be denied unless membership is current. A list of current members can be seen at the link here: If you have any questions on your membership status, please email the office at Memberships can be renewed online at
All forms of artwork are allowed. Artwork may be sold through this exhibit, with a 30% commission to NRAS. Work must not have been previously exhibited in a North River Arts exhibition.
All works must be original. Compositions based on published material or other artist’s work are NOT considered original and are not eligible. Work executed in a workshop or under another artist’s supervision or based on another person’s photograph (even if a royalty/copyright free image or permission
has been granted by the artist owning the copyright of the image) are NOT eligible. Work must not have been exhibited in any previous NRAS exhibit. NRAS reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable or that does not meet entry criteria. Prints (reproduced from original artwork) are not acceptable.